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I'll begin be prefacing that this project will not fit everyone's needs. It's a very opinionated project and it's not meant to be a replacement for any of the existing state management libraries. Additionally, if you are trying to squeeze the most performance out of Python this is probably not the right tool for you (Though you might also be using the wrong programming language).

The goal of the project is to provide a simple and familiar way to manage state in Python. It's inspired by the React hooks API and it's meant to be used in a similar way. It can be used to manage state in a single function or in a large project. The state can be stored in memory, in a database or in a file. It's up to you to decide and the library is easily extendable to support any backend.

One of the inspirations for this project was seeing the way junior developers struggle with state management and program structure in Python. This library is intended to provide a sense of familiarity to developers coming from the JavaScript world and to provide a simple way to manage state in Python which will not require a lot of boilerplate code or hurt performance.

It is meant to help write better data-driven code and to help developers focus on the business logic of their code rather than on the plumbing.

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Note: This project is still in beta and is not recommended for production use just yet. We are working on adding more tests and improving the documentation. If you are interested in contributing, please reach out to me on Discord.

See Getting started for a quick tutorial on how to use the library.