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🚀 Getting Started

In order to get started with Python Hooks, you need to install the library using pip, note that when installing the library you install it as python-hooks and not hooks as the latter is already taken in pip.

pip install python-hooks

Once installed you can start using the library, the library is built with plugins support and you can use the built-in plugins or create your own.

from hooks import use_state, use_effect

def my_stateful_function():
    count, set_count = use_state(0)
    use_effect(lambda: print("First run"), [])
    use_effect(lambda: print(f"Count, {count}"), [count]) # (1)
    set_count(count + 1) 
    return count

my_stateful_function() # prints "First run" and "Count, 0"
my_stateful_function() # prints "Count, 1"
my_stateful_function() # prints "Count, 2"
  1. 🤩 Just like React, use_effect will only run if it's dependencies have changed. In this case, the dependency is the count variable. This is a very powerful feature as it allows you to control when your code runs.

See Hooks to begin using the built-in hooks.