Async Support

Lately, support in async / await has been added to Python Hooks. This allows you to write asynchronous code in your hooks. This is especially useful for hooks that need to make network requests or perform other I/O operations.

To use async / await hooks, all you need to do is import your hooks from hooks.asyncio.* instead of hooks.*, and make sure that you are using an async backend, such as hooks.plugins.redis_backend.AsyncRedisBackend.

For example:

from hooks.asyncio.use import use_state
from hooks.plugins.redis_backend import AsyncRedisBackend


await AsyncRedisBackend.use('localhost', 6789)

async def use_async_state():
    state, set_state = await use_state(0)
    await set_state(state + 1)
    return state


print(await use_async_state()) # prints 0
print(await use_async_state()) # prints 1